Arcsight Rules

10.1UCIPSPDCI001IPSCiscoIPS possible unauthorized vulnerability scanevent1 : ( Device Product = Cisco Intrusion Prevention System AND ( Name Contains Exploit [ignore case] OR Category Technique = /Exploit/Vulnerability ) AND Type != Correlation )
5 matches in 1 min
Detection of multiple IPS signature trigger by a single sourceMediumP2XX
20.1UCIPSPDCI002IPSCiscoIPS possible unauthorized host scanDetection of multiple IPS signature trigger on a single targetMediumP2XX
30.1UCIPSPDCI003IPSCiscoIPS possible exploit of vulnerabilityevent1 : ( AND Device Product = Cisco Intrusion Prevention System AND Name Contains Exploit [ignore case] )
3 matches in 1 min
Detection of Medium/High/Critical Signature trigger on IPSSimpleP3
40.1UCIPSPDCI003IPSCiscoIPS Successful attack detectedDetection of IPS signature from a source allowed by firewall and IPSComplexP1
50.1UCIPSPDSF001Sourcefire Management Console eStreamerSourceFireSourcefire IPS possible unauthorized vulnerability scanDetection of multiple IPS signature trigger by a single sourceMediumP2XX
60.1UCIPSPDSF002Sourcefire Management Console eStreamerSourceFireSourcefire IPS possible unauthorized host scanDetection of multiple IPS signature trigger on a single targetMediumP2XX
70.1UCIPSPDSF003Sourcefire Management Console eStreamerSourceFireSourcefire IPS possible exploit of vulnerabilityDetection of Medium/High/Critical Signature trigger on IPSSimpleP3
80.1UCIPSPDSF003Sourcefire Management Console eStreamerSourceFireSourcefire IPS Successful attack detectedDetection of IPS signature from a source allowed by firewall and IPSComplexP1
90.1UCAVPDSEP001AntivirusSymantecAntivirus detection of virus outbreakDetection of multiple host being infected by Virus(cleaned/ not cleaned) in short span of timeMediumP2X
100.1UCAVPDSEP002AntivirusSymantecAntivirus Update Unsuccessfulevent1 : ( Message Like %AV Update Unsucessful% [ignore case] OR Name Like %AV Update Unsucessful% [ignore case] ) )
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 1 min
Detects any outdated antivirus engine in networkSimpleP3
110.1UCAVPDSEP003AntivirusSymantecConficker Foundevent1 : (Name Contains conficker [ignore case] AND Type != Correlation )
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 1 min
Detection of Conficker worm in a machine(cleaned/not cleaned)SimpleP2X
120.1UCAVPDSEP004AntivirusSymantecInfected machinesevent : ( ( Device Custom String2 = Virus OR Device Custom String2 = Trojan OR Device Custom String2 = Worm ) AND NotInActiveList("Infected machines") AND Device Action != deleted [ignore case] AND Device Product = Endpoint Protection [ignore case] AND Device Custom String1 Is NOT NULL )
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 1 min
Detects possible infected host in network which is not cleaned by Anti virusSimpleP3X
130.1UCROPDCIS001Router CISCORouter configuration was change( Device Product = CiscoRouter AND Category Behavior = /Modify/Configuration AND Device Event Class ID = SYS:CONFIG_I ) Detects any changes made in configuration for RouterSimpleP3
140.1UCROPDCIS002Router CISCORouter Interface Down( Device Product = CiscoRouter AND Name = Interface changed state to down [ignore case]) Detects if the router interface is down or not availableSimpleP2
150.1UCROPDCIS003Router CISCORouter Power Supply Down ( Device Product = CiscoRouter AND Message Contains Power supply 2 failure ) Detects power failure in RouterSimpleP2
160.1UCFWPDCI001FirewallCISCO ASAFirewall default admin account usage Detection( Device Product = ASA AND Category Behavior = /Authentication/Verify AND ( Target User Name = root OR Target User Name = admin ) )
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2 min
Detection of login activity with default admin account SimpleP3X
170.1UCFWPDCI002FirewallCISCO ASAFirewall detection of privileged login attempt using administrator ID has failed( Device Product = ASA AND Device Event Class ID Contains 308001
# of Matches: 2 Time Frame: 1 min
Detection of failed login from admin acocuntMediumP3X
180.1UCFWPDCI003FirewallCISCO ASAFirewall detection of shutdown reboot and failoverDevice Product = ASA AND ( Device Event Class ID Contains 199001
OR Device Event Class ID Contains 199001 OR
Device Event Class ID Contains 199002 OR
Device Event Class ID Contains 199005 OR
Device Event Class ID Contains 101002 OR
Device Event Class ID Contains 101003 OR
Device Event Class ID Contains 101004 OR
Device Event Class ID Contains 101005 OR
Device Event Class ID Contains 103001 OR
Device Event Class ID Contains 103003 OR
Device Event Class ID Contains 103004 OR
Device Event Class ID Contains 102001 OR
Device Event Class ID Contains 104001 OR
Device Event Class ID Contains 104002 OR
Device Event Class ID Contains 105032 OR
Device Event Class ID Contains 103005 )
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2 min
Detection of firewall reboot or failover activitySimpleP3
190.1UCFWPDCI004FirewallCISCO ASAFirewall successful connection from blacklisted IPs ( Device Product = ASA AND InActiveList("threat_feed_master_ip_list") AND Category Outcome = /Success AND Category Behavior = /Access )
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2 min
Source Address Need to be mapped to threat_feed_master_ip_list
Detection of allowed traffic from known malicious IPs in Threat feedMediumP2
200.1UCFWPDCI005FirewallCISCO ASAFirewall successful connection internal source to blacklisted Ips( Device Product = ASA AND InActiveList("threat_feed_master_ip_list") AND Category Outcome = /Success AND Category Behavior = /Access )
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2 min
Target Address Need to be mapped to threat_feed_master_ip_list
Detection of traffic from internal network towards known malicious IPs in Threat feedMediumP2
210.1UCFWPDCI006FirewallCISCO ASASuccessful Connection On Trojan Port from external sourceDevice Product = ASA AND Target Port In (31,41,48,50,59,79,81,99,110,113,119,121,123,133,142,146,170,180,334,420,421,456,513,531,555,559,605,666,667,669,692,777,808,911,999,1000,1001,1010,1011,1012,1015,1016,1020,1024,1026,1042,1045,1049,1050,1054,1080,1081,1082,1083,1090,1095,1097,1098,1099,1170,1200,1201,1207,1212,1234,1243,1245,1255,1256,1269,1313,1338,1349,1434,1492,1524,1600,1777,1807,1966,1969,1981,1999,2000,2001,2023,2080,2115,2140,2155,2234,2255,2283,2300,2339,2345,2565,2583,2600,2716,2773,2801,2989,3000,3024,3127,3128,3129,3150,3456,3459,3700,3791,3801,4000,4092,4242,4321,4444,4567,4590,4950,5000,5001,5002,5010,5011,5025,5031,5032,5321,5343,5400,5401,5402,5512,5550,5555,5556,5557,5569,5637,5638,5742,5760,5882,5888,6000,6006,6272,6346,6400,6666,6667,6669,6670,6711,6712,6713,6723,6771,6776,6838,6883,6912,6939,6969,6970,7000,7001,7215,7300,7301,7306,7307,7308,7424,7597,7777,7789,7983,8787,8988,8989,9000,9325,9400,9872,9873,9874,9875,9876,9878,9989,9999,10067,10085,10086,10101,10167,10520,10528,10607,10666,11000,11050,11051,11223,12076,12223,12345,12346,12349,12361,12362,12623,12624,12631,12754,13000,13010,14500,15092,15104,15858,16484,16660,16772,16969,17166,17300,17449,17499,17777,18753,19864,20000,20001,20002,20023,20034,20203,20331,20432,20433,21544,21554,22222,23005,23023,23032,23432,23456,23476,23477,26274,26681,27374,27444,27573,27665,29104,29891,30001,30003,30029,30100,30101,30102,30103,30133,30303,30947,30999,31335,31336,31337,31338,31339,31666,31785,31788,31789,31790,31791,31792,32001,32100,32418,33270,33333,33577,33777,33911,34324,34444,34555,35555,37651,40412,40421,40422,40423,40426,41666,44444,47262,50505,50766,51966,52317,53001,54283,54320,54321,57341,58339,60000,60068,60411,61348,61466,61603,63485,64101,65000,65432,65534,65535) AND ( Source Zone URI StartsWith /All Zones/ArcSight System/Public Address Space Zone OR Destination Zone URI StartsWith /All Zones/ArcSight System/Public Address Space Zone )

# of Matches: 3 Time Frame: 1 min
Identical : Attacker Address, Target Port
Detection of possible attacker connecting on trojan ports to spread infectionComplexP2X
220.1UCFWPDCI007FirewallCISCO ASAConnection On Trojan Port from internal hostsame as "UCFWPDCI006" only source IP = Internal source subnetDetection of possible infected machine connecting on trojan portsComplexP3X
230.1UCFWPDCI008FirewallCISCO ASAFirewall successful traffic on microsoft and netbios ports from external source ( Device Product = ASA AND Destination Port In (135,137,138,139,445,1433) AND Source Zone URI StartsWith /All Zones/ArcSight System/Public Address Space Zones AND ( Category Outcome = /Sucess [ignore case] OR Category Outcome = /Failure )
# of Matches: 20 Time Frame: 1 min
Detection of Successful Traffic on Microsoft Ports (445, 1433), netBios Ports (135,137,139,138) Observed on Perimeter Firewall from external sourceComplexP2X
240.1UCFWPDCI009FirewallCISCO ASAFirewall traffic on microsoft and netbios ports from internal sourcesame as "UCFWPDCI006" only source IP = Internal source subnetDetection of allowed/blocked Traffic on Microsoft Ports (445, 1433), netBios Ports (135,137,139,138) Observed on Perimeter Firewall from external sourceComplexP2X
250.1UCFWPDCI010FirewallCISCO ASAFirewall successful pass after repetitive blocks from same internet source address( Device Product = ASA [ignore case] AND Category Outcome = /Success AND Category Behavior StartsWith /Access AND InActiveList("firewall_repetitive_blocks_source_address")
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 1 min
Detection of similar allowed traffic by firewall which was earlier denied by the same firewall. This could be a successful compromise.ComplexP2X
260.1UCFWPDCI011FirewallCISCO ASATelnet command executed from firewallDevice Product = ASA AND Device Action Contains permit [ignore case] AND Destination Port = 23 )
# of Matches: 5 Time Frame: 1 min
Detection of telnet command executed from the firewall console.SimpleP3X
270.1UCFWPDCI012FirewallCISCO ASAFirewall successfull connection to blacklisted URLs ( Device Product = ASA AND Category Behavior StartsWith /Access AND Category Outcome = /Success AND InActiveList("threat_feed_master_url_list") )
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 1 min
Detection of allowed traffic towards known malicious URLsMediumP2X
280.1UCFWPDCI013FirewallCISCO ASAASA Host Port ScanDevice Product = ASA AND Device Event Class ID = 710005 )
# of Matches: 20 Time Frame: 1 min
Detects port scan activity for same machine on multiple portsSimpleP3X
290.1UCFWPDCI014FirewallCISCO ASAAccessing URL in Domain WatchlistDetect traffic towards URL added to watchlist based on business policyMediumP3X
300.1UCFWPDCI015FirewallCISCO ASAFirewall high number of failed loginDetection of multiple failed login from user accountsSimpleP3XX
310.1UCFWPDCI016FirewallCISCO ASAPort Sweep ActivityDevice Product = ASA AND Category Behavior StartsWith /Access AND Target Port Is NOT NULL AND Category Outcome = /Failure
# of Matches: 100 Time Frame: 2 min
Unique : event1.Target Port
Identical: event1.Target Address, event1.Attacker Address
event1.Attacker Host Name, event1.Target Host Name
Detects port scan activity on multiple machine on same portSimpleP3X
320.1UCFWPDCI017FirewallCISCO ASAPossible Outbound Network SweepDetection of network sweep/scan activty from an internal source towards external zoneMediumX
330.1UCFWPDCI018FirewallCISCO ASAPossible Network SweepDetection of Network sweep from same source on multiple internal target and portsMediumP3X
340.1UCFWPDCI019FirewallCISCO ASABotnet activity detectedTo capture traffic on blacklisted/grey-listed(botnet,trojan,spyware) domains as detected by the firewall.SimpleP2X
350.1UCFWPDCI020FirewallCISCO ASAFirewall critical services failed downDetects alerts generated on the firewall for mission critical servcies such as interfaces,failover cables etc.SimpleP2
360.1UCFWPDCI021FirewallCISCO ASAPotentinal Policy violation IPsDetect traffic towards restricted IPs by policyMediumP3X
370.1UCFWPDCI022FirewallCISCO ASAUser Trying to enter privileged mode but failedDetects authentication failure for user trying to enter priviledged mode on the firewall.The maximum is three attempts.SimpleP3X
380.1UCFWPDCI022FirewallCISCO ASARepetitive Block from InternetDetection of high volume of blocked traffic at the firewall from the same sourceSimpleP3X
390.1UCFWPDJU001FirewallJUNIPERHost Port Scan( Device Product = JUNOS AND Device Event Class ID = RT_FLOW_SESSION_CLOSE )
# of Matches: 20 Time Frame: 1 min
Detects port scan activity for same machine on multiple portsSimpleP3X
400.1UCFWPDJU002FirewallJUNIPERHigh Number of Denied Connections from a Source HostCategory Behavior = /Access AND Category Device Group = /Firewall AND Category Object = /Host/Application/Service AND Category Outcome = /Failure AND Type = Base )
# of Matches: 50 Time Frame: 1 min
Detects abnormal high denied traffic from same sourceSimpleP3
410.1UCFWPDJU003FirewallJUNIPERPort Sweep Activityevent1 : ( Device Vendor = Juniper AND Device Product = JUNOS AND Category Behavior StartsWith /Access AND Target Port Is NOT NULL AND Category Outcome = /Failure)
# of Matches: 100 Time Frame: 2 min
Detects port scan activity on multiple machine on same portSimpleP3X
420.1UCFWPDJU004FirewallJUNIPERSuccessful Connection On Trojan Port from external sourceevent1 : ( Device Product = JUNOS AND Category Outcome = /Success AND Type = Base ) AND InActiveList("Battlecat_Trojan_ports") )
# of Matches: 3 Time Frame: 1 min
Detection of possible attacker connecting on trojan ports to spread infectionComplexP2X
430.1UCFWPDJU005FirewallJUNIPERConnection On Trojan Port from internal hostsame as Detection of possible infected machine connecting on trojan portsComplexP3X
440.1UCFWPDJU006FirewallJUNIPERFirewall successful traffic on microsoft and netbios ports from external sourceevent1 : ( Device Product = JUNOS AND Source Zone URI StartsWith /All Zones/ArcSight System/Public Address Space Zones AND Destination Port In (135,137,138,139,445,1433) AND Category Outcome = /Success [ignore case]
# of Matches: 20 Time Frame: 1 min
Detection of Successful Traffic on Microsoft Ports (445, 1433), netBios Ports (135,137,139,138) Observed on Perimeter Firewall from external sourceComplexP2X
450.1UCFWPDJU007FirewallJUNIPERFirewall traffic on microsoft and netbios ports from internal sourceevent1 : ( Device Product = JUNOS AND Destination Port In (135,137,138,139,445,1433) AND Category Outcome = /Success [ignore case] AND Attacker Zone URI NOT StartsWith /All Zones/ArcSight System/Public Address Space Zones )
# of Matches: 5 Time Frame: 1 min
Detection of allowed/blocked Traffic on Microsoft Ports (445, 1433), netBios Ports (135,137,139,138) Observed on Perimeter Firewall from external sourceComplexP2X
460.1UCFWPDJU008FirewallJUNIPERDefault admin account usage Detectionevent1 : ( MatchesFilter("customer name") AND Device Vendor = NetScreen AND ( Destination User Name Contains netscreen [ignore case] OR Destination User Name Contains (Administrator name )Detection of default admin account being used for logging into firewallMediumP3X
470.1UCFWPDJU009FirewallJUNIPERSuccessful traffic observed from suspicious sourceevent1 : ( Device Product = JUNOS AND Category Behavior = /Access AND Category Device Group = /Firewall AND Category Outcome = /Success AND ( InActiveList("Host_Port_Scan_1d_delay") OR InActiveList("Port_Sweep_Activity_1d_delay") )
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2 min
Detection of successful connection from a malicious host in threat feed.MediumP2
480.1UCFWPDJU010FirewallJUNIPERFirewall successful connection internal source to blacklisted IPsMatching event : ( InActiveList("threat_feed_master_ip_list") AND Category Behavior StartsWith /Access AND Device Product = JUNOS AND Category Outcome = /Success AND Type = Base
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2 min
Detection of traffic from internal network towards known malicious IPs in Threat feedMediumP2
490.1UCFWPDPA001FirewallPALO ALTOPalo-Alto Host Port Scanevent1 : ( Device Product = PAN-OS AND MatchesFilter("ENABLE") AND Device Event Class ID Contains scan [ignore case] AND Name = THREAT )
# of Matches: 5 Time Frame: 2 min
Detects port scan activity for same machine on multiple portsSimpleP3X
500.1UCFWPDPA002FirewallPALO ALTOFirewall successful traffic on microsoft and netbios ports from external sourceevent1 : ( Type = Base AND Destination Port In (135,137,138,139,445,1433) AND Device Product = PAN-OS AND MatchesFilter("Enable_production") AND Source Zone URI StartsWith /All Zones/ArcSight System/Public Address Space Zones AND NotInActiveList("Enable_Palo-Alto_successful_or_unsuccessful_traffic_on_microsoft_and_netbios_ports_delay_8h") AND ( Device Action = allow [ignore case] OR Device Action = alert [ignore case] ) AND Not( Source Address = OR Source Address = ) ) Detection of Successful Traffic on Microsoft Ports (445, 1433), netBios Ports (135,137,139,138) Observed on Perimeter Firewall from external sourceComplexP2X
510.1UCFWPDPA003FirewallPALO ALTOFirewall traffic on microsoft and netbios ports from internal sourcesame as "UCFWPDPA002" only source IP = Internal source subnetDetection of allowed/blocked Traffic on Microsoft Ports (445, 1433), netBios Ports (135,137,139,138) Observed on Perimeter Firewall from external sourceComplexP2X
520.1UCFWPDPA004FirewallPALO ALTOMalicious file downloadDetects firewall alert on malicious content downloads from internetSimpleP2
530.1UCFWPDPA005FirewallPALO ALTOMalware detected in the networkDetection on any malware attempt from internal sourceSimpleP2X
540.1UCFWPDPA006FirewallPALO ALTOSuccessful connection from blacklisted IPssame as "UCFWPDCI012" and only source type = Palo-AltoDetection of allowed traffic from known malicious IPsMediumP2
550.1UCFWPDPA007FirewallPALO ALTOSuccessfull connection to blacklisted URLssame as "UCFWPDCI012" and only source type = Palo-AltoDetection of allowed traffic towards known malicious URLsMediumP2X
560.1UCFWPDPA008FirewallPALO ALTOTelnet Command Executed on Firewallevent1 : ( MatchesFilter("Enable_production") AND Destination Port = 23 AND Device Action = allow [ignore case] AND Device Product = PAN-OS [ignore case]
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2 min
Detection of successful telnet attempt toward firewall.SimpleP3X
570.1UCFWPDPA009FirewallPALO ALTOTCP-UDP Flood DetectionDetects alert generated on firewall for TCP_UDP flooding.SimpleP2
580.1UCFWPDPA010FirewallPALO ALTOBrute Force Attack Detectedevent1 : ( Device Product = PAN-OS AND MatchesFilter("ENABLE") AND Name = THREAT AND Device Event Category Contains Brute [ignore case] )
# of Matches: 5 Time Frame: 2 min
Detection of alert generated on firewall for bruteforce attackSimpleP3X
590.1UCFWPDPA011FirewallPALO ALTOConnection attempts from blacklisted IPs on trojan portssame as "UCFWPDCI006" only source type is Palo-AltoDetect connection attempts from known malicious IPs on known trojan ports MediumP3X
600.1UCFWPDPA012FirewallPALO ALTODefault admin account usage DetectionDetection of default admin account being used for logging into firewallMediumP3X
610.1UCFWPDPA013FirewallPALO ALTOHigh Number of Denied Connections from Source HostDetection of unusually high volume of traffic from a single sourceSimpleP3
620.1UCFWPDPA014FirewallPALO ALTOPossible Exploit of Vulnerabilityevent1 : ( Device Product = PAN-OS AND MatchesFilter("ENABLE") AND Name = THREAT AND Device Event Class ID = vulnerability AND NotInActiveList("Enable_Palo-Alto_Possible_Exploit_of_Vulnerability - 4hr") )
# of Matches: 5 Time Frame: 2 min
Detection of vulnerability exploit attempt between internal host and external attackerComplexP2
630.1UCFWPDPA015FirewallPALO ALTOSuccessful pass after repetitive block from same sourceevent1 : ( Device Product = PAN-OS AND Device Action = allow [ignore case] AND InActiveList("firewall_repetitive_blocks_source_address")
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 1 min
Detection of similar allowed traffic by firewall which was earlier denied by the same firewall. This could be a successful compromise.ComplexP2X
640.1UCFWPDPA016FirewallPALO ALTOSuccessful connection internal source to blacklisted IPssame as "UCFWPDCI006" only source type is Palo-Alto and source IP = Internal IP SubnetDetection of allowed traffic from internal network to mailicious IPsMediumP2
650.1UCFWPDPA017FirewallPALO ALTOSuccessful Connection On Trojan Port from external sourcesame as "UCFWPDCI006" only source type is Palo-AltoDetection of possible attacker connecting on trojan ports to spread infectionComplexP2X
660.1UCFWPDPA018FirewallPALO ALTOConnection On Trojan Port from internal hostsame as "UCFWPDCI006" only source type is Palo-AltoDetection of possible infected machine connecting on trojan portsComplexP3X
670.1UCFWPDCH001FirewallCheck PointDefault admin account usage DetectionDetection of default admin account being used for logging into firewallMediumP3X
680.1UCFWPDCH002FirewallCheck PointHigh number denied connectionDetection of unusually high volume of traffic from a single sourceSimpleP3
690.1UCFWPDCH003FirewallCheck PointNetwork Host ScanDetects port scan activity for same machine on multiple portsSimpleP3X
700.1UCFWPDCH004FirewallCheck PointNetwork Port ScanDetects port scan activity on multiple machine on same portSimpleP3X
710.1UCFWPDCH005FirewallCheck PointSuccessfull connection to blacklisted URLssame as "UCFWPDCI012" and only source type = Check PointDetection of allowed traffic towards known malicious URLsMediumP2X
720.1UCFWPDCH006FirewallCheck PointTraffic on FTP Telnet PortsDetection of on port 20,21,23 SimpleP3X
730.1UCFWPDCH007FirewallCheck PointSuccessful connection internal source to blacklisted IPssame as "UCFWPDCI012" and only source type = Check PointDetection of allowed traffic from internal network to mailicious IPsMediumP2
740.1UCFWPDCH008FirewallCheck PointUnsuccessful connection internal source to blacklisted IPssame as "UCFWPDCI012" and only source type = Check PointDetection of blocked traffic from internal network to mailicious IPsMediumP3
750.1UCOSPDWIN001ServerWindowsWindows administrator account usage Device Event Class ID = Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing:4624 AND Device Product = Microsoft Windows
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2 min
Detection of system activity from default Administrator accountMediumP3X
760.1UCOSPDWIN002ServerWindowsWindows detection of privileged user activity Device Product = Microsoft Windows AND Category Behavior = /Modify/Configuration
Additional Info: List of privileged Users
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2 min
Detects configuration changes made from a priviledged user accountMediumP3X
770.1UCOSPDWIN003ServerWindowsWindows detection of user login from multiple source within specified time interval Device Product = Microsoft Windows AND Device Event Class ID = Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing:4624
# of Matches: 5 Time Frame: 1 min
Detection of usage of same account from more than one source within a specific time interval. Could be possible account sharing activity.MediumP3X
780.1UCOSPDWIN004ServerWindowsWindows group accounts modified by adminsDevice Product = Microsoft Windows AND ( Device Event Class ID = Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing:4732 OR Device Event Class ID = Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing:4733)
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2 min
Detection of group account modification activity by AdminMediumP3X
790.1UCOSPDWIN005ServerWindowsWindows modification or deletion of audit logsDevice Product = Microsoft Windows AND Device Event Class ID = Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing:1102
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2 min
Detection of Modification or Deletion of Audit/Security Logs from the systemSimpleP2
800.1UCOSPDWIN006ServerWindowsWindows multiple failed login from same source address Device Product = Microsoft Windows AND Device Event Class ID = Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing:4625 AND Not( Source Address Is NULL And Destination User Name EndsWith $ )
# of Matches: 5 Time Frame: 1 min
Identical : SourceAddress, Source HostName
Detection of multiple failed login attempts for multiple users from same source IPsSimpleP3
810.1UCOSPDWIN007ServerWindowsWindows multiple failed login from same source userDevice Event Class ID = Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing:4625 AND Target User Name Is NOT NULL AND Device Product = Microsoft Windows AND NotDestination User Name EndsWith $ )
# of Matches: 5 Time Frame: 1 min
Identical : DestinationUserName
Detection of multiple failed login attempts from a single userSimpleP3
820.1UCOSPDWIN008ServerWindowsWindows successful bruteforce loginDevice Product = Microsoft Windows AND Device Event Class ID = Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing:4624 AND ( InActiveList("Windows_Brute_Force_Failed_Attacker") OR InActiveList("Windows_Brute_Force_Failed_User_destination")
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 1 min
Detection of a successful login after a number of failed login by the same account within a specified timeComplexP2
830.1UCOSPDWIN009ServerWindowsWindows system shutdown reboot Device Product = Microsoft Windows AND ( Device Event Class ID = Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing:4608 OR Device Event Class ID = Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing:4609 )
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 1 min
Detection of Windows server shutdown or rebootSimpleP3
840.1UCOSPDWIN010ServerWindowsWindows system time changedDevice Event Class ID = Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing:4616 AND Device Product = Microsoft Windows )
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 1 min
Detects windows system time changes which are not done by a local service or a service accountSimpleP3
850.1UCOSPDWIN011ServerWindowsWindows user account added or removed from admin groupsDevice Product = Microsoft Windows AND Target User Name Contains admin [ignore case] AND ( Device Event Class ID = Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing:4732 OR Device Event Class ID = Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing:4733 )
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2 min
User is added to or removed from an admin security level group on Windows server.SimpleP3X
860.1UCOSPDWIN012ServerWindowsWindows user account created and given admin rightsDevice Product = Microsoft Windows AND ( Device Event Class ID = Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing:4732 OR Device Event Class ID = Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing:4733 ) AND InActiveList("windows_user_account_created")
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 1 min
A new user account is created and is added to security enabled group(Admin group)ComplexP3X
870.1UCOSPDWIN013ServerWindowsWindows probable successful attack configuration changesDetection of Configuration changes as a part of previous successful attack by the same attackerComplexP2X
880.1UCOSPDWIN014ServerWindowsWindows User Account EnabledDetect Windows previously disabled user account enable event.SimpleP3X
890.1UCOSPDWIN015ServerWindowsWindows configuration changes outside business hoursDetection of configuration changes done on system outside of usual working hours.ComplexP3X
900.1UCOSPDWIN016ServerWindowsWindow Sensitive file AccessDetect access to sensitive files on a Windows server. A list of sensitive filesis to be maintained.MediumP3
910.1UCOSPDWIN016ServerWindowsWindows account lockout policyDetects user accounts getting locked out as a result of multiple failed loginSimpleP3X
920.2UCROPDCIS004Router CISCORouter login failed from same source ( Device Product = CiscoRouter AND Name = Login failed) Dectection of failed login on RouterSimpleP3
930.2UCIPSPDCI004IPSCiscoMalicious_code_Propagationevent1 : ( Type != Correlation AND ( Device Product = Cisco Intrusion Prevention System OR Device Product = ASA ) AND ( InActiveList(apacSensitive_URLs") OR Name In (../,"..\\",..%5c,.%2e,.asp::$DATA,.asp.,a%5c.aspx,root.exe?/c+dir,winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir,..%5c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir,..,"xc1\\x1c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir","..\\xc0/../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir","..\\xc0\\xaf../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir","..\\xc1\\x9c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir",..%35c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir,..%5c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir,..%2f../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir,NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN%u9090%,javascript:alert,JaVaScRiPt:alert,document.write,javascript:document.write,alert,alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83)) ) ) Detection of malicous code on IPS trafficComplex
940.2UCOSPOUNI001ServerUnixunix_successful_bruteforce_attackDevice Vendor = Unix AND Name = Accepted password AND Category Behavior = /Authentication/Verify AND Category Outcome = /Success AND InActiveList("Unix_bruteforce_failed_user_add_to_list")
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2 min
Detection of bruteforce login attemptsMediumP2
950.2UCOSPOUNI002ServerUnixunix_multiple_failed_login_from_same_userDevice Vendor = Unix AND Destination User Name Is NOT NULL AND Category Behavior = /Authentication/Verify AND Category Outcome = /Failure
# of Matches: 5 Time Frame: 1 min
Identical : event1.Destination User Name
Detection of failed login from same userMediumP3
960.2UCOSPOUNI003ServerUnixunix_multiple_failed_login_from_same_source_addressDevice Vendor = Unix AND Category Behavior = /Authentication/Verify AND Category Outcome = /Failure AND Target User Name Is NOT NULL
# of Matches: 5 Time Frame: 1 min
Identical : event1.Source Address
Detection of failed login from same Source IP adddressMediumP3
970.2UCOSPOUNI004ServerUnixunix_login_with_root_accountDevice Vendor = Unix AND Name = session opened AND Target User Name = root AND Device Custom String1 != su )
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2 min
Detection of login attempts from root accountSimpleP3
980.2UCOSPOUNI005ServerUnixunix_detection_of_user_login_from_multiple_source_within_specified_time_intervalDevice Product = Unix AND Category Behavior = /Authentication/Verify AND Category Outcome = /Success
# of Matches: 5 Time Frame: 2 min
Identical : event1.Destination Address, event1.Destination Host Name
event1.Destination Zone Resource, event1.Target User Name
Unique : event1.Attacker Address, event1.Attacker Zone Resource
Detection of user login from different source in short interval of timeComplexP2
990.2UCOSPOUNI006ServerUnixuunix_detection_of_user_failed_login_via_sshMatchesFilter("ENABLE") ) AND Device Process Name Contains sshd [ignore case] AND Device Product = Unix AND Target User Name Is NOT NULL AND ( Name = authentication failure [ignore case] OR Name = failed password [ignore case] )
# of Matches: 5 Time Frame: 2 min
Identical : event1.Target User Name, event1.Target Address
event1.Target Zone Resource
Detection of user login from different source in short interval of timeSimpleP3
1000.2UCOSPOUNI007ServerUnixunix_detection_of_privileged_user_activity Device Vendor = Unix AND Category Behavior = /Modify/Configuration AND InActiveList("Unix_privileged_user_account") )
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2 min
Detection of privileged user activity SimpleP3
1010.2UCPRPOF5001ProxyF5Admin Login Failure over InternetDevice Vendor = F5 AND Message Contains authentication failure AND ( Destination User Name Contains admin [ignore case] OR Target User Name Contains root [ignore case] OR Target User Name Contains admin [ignore case] OR Destination User Name Contains root [ignore case] )Detection of admin account login over internetSimpleP2
1020.2UCPRPOF5002ProxyF5F5 Node Downevent1 : ( Device Vendor = F5 AND ( Name Contains monitor status down OR Name Contains Server state change green to red )F5 system is going downSimpleP3
1030.2UCPRPOF5003ProxyF5Multiple login attempt observed from same source addressDevice Vendor = F5 AND Device Product = Big IP AND ( Name Contains User logins attempts OR Name Contains Login attempts OR Name Contains Failed to login attempts Detection of high login attempts from same sourceMediumP3
1040.2UCPRPOF5004ProxyF5Multiple login attempt observed from same userDevice Product = Big IP AND Device Vendor = F5 AND ( Name Contains User logins attempts OR Name Contains Login attempts OR Name Contains Failed to login attempts ) Detection of high login attempts from same userMediumP3
antivirus_machine_infected_with_virus_and_not_cleaned_by_SophosDevice Product = Sophos Anti-Virus AND ( Name = Security risk found OR Name = Virus found ) AND NotDevice Action In (cleaned up,blocked,acknowledged,No longer present) Detection of left alone/not cleaned machine from AVMediumP2
1060.2UCEMGPDPF001Email gatewayPostfixsmtp_possible_spam_attack ( Customer Name = POL_CDP AND Device Vendor = Postfix AND Device Product = Email Gateway )
# of Matches: 75 Time Frame: 5 min
Dectection of spam email sendingMedium
1070.3UCOSPDWIN016ServerWindowsDectection Run registy value change Device Event Class ID = Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing:4657 AND FileName InActiveList(Registry_List) AND Device Product = Microsoft Windows
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2 min
Pre-Requiste : Active list of Run Registry
Dectection Run registy value changeMediumP2
1080.3UCOSPDWIN016ServerWindowsWindows Security Log Full Device Event Class ID = Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing:1104 AND Device Product = Microsoft Windows
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2 min
Windows Security Log Full SimpleP3
1090.3UCOSPDWIN016ServerWindowsInteractive use of Service Account (Device Event Class ID = Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing:4625 OR Device Event Class ID = Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing:4624 ) AND Attacker Username StartsWith Srv AND DeviceCustomNumber1 = 2 AND Device Product = Microsoft Windows
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2 min
Interactive use of Service AccountSimpleP3
1100.3UCOSPDWIN016ServerWindowsPrivilege escalation of local Account Device Event Class ID = Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing:4704 AND AttackerDomain != Domain Name Device Product = Microsoft Windows
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2 min
Privilege escalation of local AccountMediumP3
1110.3UCOSPDWIN016ServerWindowsMultiple password changes in short period Device Event Class ID = Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing:4723 AND Device Product = Microsoft Windows
# of Matches: 3 Time Frame: 2 min
Identical : Attacker Username
Multiple password changes in short periodMediumP3
1120.3UCOSPDWIN016ServerWindowsUser account created and deleted within short durationJOIN CNDITION:
Event1.TargetUsername = Event2.TargetUsername
Event1.DeviceReceiptTime <Event2.DeviceReceiptTime

Event1 :Device Event Class ID = Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing: 4720 AND Device Product = Microsoft Windows
Event2: Device Event Class ID = Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing: 4726 AND Device Product = Microsoft Windows

# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 5 min
User account created and deleted within short durationMediumP3
1130.3UCOSPDWIN016ServerWindowsDetection of Scheduled task from non-service account Device Event Class ID = Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing:4698 AND Attacker Username NotStartsWith Srv AND Device Product = Microsoft Windows
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2 min
Detection of Scheduled task from non-service accountMediumP2
1140.3UCOSPDWIN016ServerWindowsDetection of Local user created Device Event Class ID = Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing:4720 AND TargetNTDomain!= DomainName AND Device Product = Microsoft Windows
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2 min
Detection of Local user created (from non admin or unauthourized user) - PCI compliance SimpleP1/P2
1150.3UCOSPDWIN016ServerWindowsLogin Activity from Expired /Disabled Account Device Event Class ID = Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing:4625 AND (FlexString1 = 0xC0000072 OR FlexString1 = 0xC0000193) AND Device Product = Microsoft Windows
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2 min
Login Activity from Expired /Disabled Account SimpleP2
1160.3UCAVPDSEP005AntiVirusSymantecDetection of USB device on machine
Name = usb_registry_access AND Device Product = Critical System Protection
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2 min

Detection of USB DevicesSimpleP2
1170.3UCAVPDSEP006AntiVirusSymantecDetection of attempt to stop scan module on machinenaNASimpleP3
1180.3UCAVPDSEP007AntiVirusSymantecDetection of multiple Infections on same machine
Device Event Class ID = activelist:103 AND Device Custom Number1 >=3 AND Name = Infected_Machine_List
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2 min
Identical : Attacker Address
Pre-requiste : List of Infected Machine of last month
Detection of recurring AV detection on same machineComplexP2
1190.3UCAVPDSEP008AntiVirusSymantecDetection of Uncleaned action from AV
Device Event Category = Failed Remediation Action AND Device Product = Endpoint Protection
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2 min

Detection of Uncleaned action from AVSimpleP2
1200.3UCAVPDSEP009AntiVirusSymantecDetection of Aborted scan
(DeviceEventClassID= Scan Aborted OR Scan Delayed) AND Device Product = Endpoint Protection
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2 min

Detection of Aborted scanSimpleP3
1210.3UCAVPDSEP010AntiVirusSymantecDetection of recurring AV detection on same machine
Device Event Class ID = activelist:103 AND Device Custom Number1 >=2 AND Name = Infected_Machine_FILE_List
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2 min
Identical : Attacker Address;File Name
Pre-requiste :
List of Infected Machine with virus name of last month
Multiple Occurrence of same file on same machine ComplexP3
1220.3UCIPSPDSF003Sourcefire Management Console eStreamerSourceFireExploit Activity from IP with Reconnaissance History Attacker Address InActiveList( Reconnaissance List) AND Device Vendor = SourceFire
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2 min
Pre-requiste : Reconnaissance List with TTL=14 days
Exploit Activity from IP with Reconnaissance HistoryComplexP2
1230.3UCIPSPDSF003Sourcefire Management Console eStreamerSourceFireDetection of P2P or other non-business application
DeviceCustomNumber1 = SNORTID AND Device Vendor = SourceFire
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2 min
Individual Snort ID would be added
Detection of P2P or other non-business applicationSimpleP3
1240.3UCIPSPDSF003Sourcefire Management Console eStreamerSourceFireDetection of Virus/Worm Alert
(Device Event Category = trojan-activity OR Device Event Category = suspicious-filename-detect )AND Device Vendor = SourceFire
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2 min

Detection of Virus/Worm AlertSimpleP2
1250.3UCIPSPDSF003Sourcefire Management Console eStreamerSourceFireDetection of layer 7 DDos /Dos
(Device Event Category = denial-of-service OR Device Event Category=attempted-dos ) AND Device Vendor = SourceFire
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2 min
Individual Snort ID would be added
Detection of layer 7 DDos /DosMediumP2X
1260.3UCIPSPDSF003Sourcefire Management Console eStreamerSourceFireDetection of Anamoly trafficnanaMediumP3
1270.3UCIPSPDSF003Sourcefire Management Console eStreamerSourceFireDetection of new/specific Vulnerability
Device Event Category = NEWSNORTID AND Device Vendor = SourceFire
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2 min
Pre-requiste : New Vulnerability Snort ID
Detection of new/specific VulnerabilityMediumP2
1280.3UCFWPDCI022FirewallCisco ASADetection of DDOS attack " Name= Possible DOS attack AND Type = Correlation
# of Matches: 3 Time Frame: 1min "
Identical : Target Address ; Distinct : Source address
Detection of DDOS attack (Layer 3 DDOS) ComplexP2X
1290.3UCFWPDCI023FirewallCisco ASAPossible DOS attack" Device Product = ASA AND Category Outcome = /Success
# of Matches: 999 Time Frame: 15sec "
Identical : Attacker Address; Target Address
Possible DOS attack (Child rule for Detection of DDOS attack & DOS attack )ComplexP2x
1300.3UCFWPDCI024FirewallCisco ASADetection of DOS attack " Name= Possible DOS attack AND Type = Correlation
# of Matches: 3 Time Frame: 1min "
Identical : Target Address ; Source address
Detection of DOS attack ComplexP3x
1310.3UCFWPDCI025FirewallCisco ASADetection of Spike in traffic" Name= Moving Average Monitor AND Device Event ID = datamonitor:103 AND Device Custom Number1 >=50 %
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2min "
Pre-requiste : Moving Average Monitor with filter of Firewall of last hour
Detection of Spike in trafficMediumP3
1320.3UCFWPDCI026FirewallCisco ASAOutbound Traffic from Server to Internet" Device Product = ASA AND Category Outcome = /Failure AND Attacker Address INSUBNET AND (Target Address NOTINSUBNET OR Target Address NOTINSUBNET OR Target Address NOTINSUBNET
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 1 min "
Identical : Attacker Address;
Outbound Traffic from Server to Internet - Denied outbound trafficMediumP2
1330.3UCFWPDCI027FirewallCisco ASAExcessive Firewall Denies (Internal reconnaissance)" Device Product = ASA AND Category Outcome = /Failure AND Attacker Address INSUBNET AND (Target Address INSUBNET OR Target Address INSUBNET OR Target Address INSUBNET
# of Matches: 20 Time Frame: 1 min "
Identical : Attacker Address; Distinct : Target Address
Excessive Firewall Denies (Internal reconnaissance)MediumP2
1340.3UCPRPOBLC001Proxy BlueCoatConnection to Malicious URLs" Device Product = Proxy SG AND ( Device Custom String 4 = Malicious Sources/Malnets OR Device Custom String 4 = Suspicious
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2 min "
Connection to Malicious URLsMediumP2
1350.3UCPRPOBLC002Proxy BlueCoatDetection to Proxy Avoidance URLs" Device Product = Proxy SG AND Device Custom String 4 = Proxy Avoidance
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2 min "
Detection to Proxy Avoidance URLsMediumP3
1360.3UCPRPOBLC003Proxy BlueCoatAccesss to Phishing URLs" Device Product = Proxy SG AND Device Custom String 4 = Phishing
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2 min "
Accesss to Phishing URLsMediumP3
1370.3UCPRPOBLC004Proxy BlueCoatAccess to File Storage URLs" Device Product = Proxy SG AND Device Custom String 4 = File Storage/Sharing
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2 min "
Access to File Storage URLsMediumP3
1380.3UCPRPOBLC005Proxy BlueCoatDetection of access to Uncategorized Site" Device Product = Proxy SG AND Device Custom String 4 = Uncategorized AND ( Request Method = Get OR Request Method = Post
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2 min "
Detection of access to Uncategorized SiteMediumP3
1390.3UCPRPOBLC006Proxy BlueCoatDetection of BOTNET traffic" Device Product = Proxy SG AND Device Custom String 4 = Malicious Outbound Data/Botnets
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2 min "
Detection of BOTNET trafficMediumP2
1400.3UCPRPOBLC007Proxy BlueCoatDetection of Dynamic DNS traffic" Device Product = Proxy SG AND Device Custom String 4 = Dynamic DNS Host
# of Matches: 1 Time Frame: 2 min "
Detection of Dynamic DNS trafficMediumP3
1410.3UCCMPRWBS001Websense Content monitoringWebsense Policy ViolationLog Source group contains Web sense
Event QID contains 51500002
Event Count : 5 events in 15 minutes
users who are most frequently violation organzation internet policySimpleP3
1420.3UCCMPRWBS002Websense Content monitoringWebsense Spyware MonitoringLog Source group contains Web sense
Payload Contains Threshold exceeded for Permitted Category - Spyware
Event Count : 5 events in 15 minutes
Possible infection of spyware in organisationMediumP3
1430.3UCCMPRWBS003Websense Content monitoringWebsense Possible Data LeakageLog Source group contains Web sense
Payload Contains Threshold exceeded for Permitted Category - Personal Network Storage and Backup
Event Count : 5 events in 15 minutes
Detection of Data Leakage in the networkMediumP3
1440.3UCFMPRVER001File Integrity MonitoringVerdasysSensitive File DeletionName = File Delete AND Device Product = Digital Guardian AND Attacker Host Name != NULL
# of Matches : 2 Time Frame: 1 min
Detection of Data Leakage in the networkMediumP3
1450.3UCFMPRVER002File Integrity MonitoringVerdasysInformation Gathering - Print ScreenName = ADE Print Screen AND Device Product = Digital Guardian AND Attacker Host Name != NULL
# of Matches : 2 Time Frame: 1 min
Detection of Data Leakage in the networkMediumP3
1460.3UCFWPRACS001CISCO ACSFailed Authentication on CISCO ACSDevice Product = "Cisco Secure ACS" AND Name = "Authentication failed"
Matches = 3 in Time= 2min
Detection of failed login attemptsSimpleP3
1470.3UCFWPRACS002CISCO ACS Interface is downDevice Product = "Cisco Secure ACS" AND Name = "Changed state to administratively down"
Matches = 1 in Time= 2min
Detection of Interface downSimpleP3
1480.3UCFWPRACS003CISCO ACSSystem failure with fatal errtorDevice Product = "Cisco Secure ACS" AND Name = "system experienced fatal error"
Matches = 1 in Time= 2min
Detection of System failure due to fatal errtorSimpleP3
1570.4UCOFPRAD001Office 365Azure Active DirectorySuspicious login attempt from non-business locationevent1 : ( Device Product = Azure Active Directory AND Name = PasswordLogonInitialAuthUsingPassword AND Attacker Geo Country Name != Non-Business Location AND Type != Correlation )
1 match in 1 min
login from untrusted locations SimpleP3X
1580.4UCOFPRAD002Office 365Azure Active DirectoryLogin activity for same account from different geographic locations within short timeevent1 : ( Device Product = Azure Active Directory AND Name = PasswordLogonInitialAuthUsingPassword AND Attacker User ID InActiveList("Login Tracking") AND Attacker Attacker Geo Country Name NotInActiveList("Login Tracking") AND Type != Correlation )
1 match in 1 min
Tracking login attempts from two locations in a time period that implies impossible travelMediumP3X
1590.4UCOFPRSP001Office 365SharePoint OnlinePossible modification to Sensitive file/folderevent1 : ( Device Product = SharePoint Online AND Type != Correlation AND File Path = "Path to Sensitive File" OR (Name = FileCopied OR FileDeleted OR FileModified )
1 match in 1 min
Deletion/Modification Confidential FileSimpleP3
1600.4UCOFPRSP002Office 365SharePoint OnlineMultiple Files Deletion within short spanevent1 : ( Device Product = SharePoint Online AND Type != Correlation AND Name = FileDeleted )
5 matches in 2 min
Multiple Files Deletion within short spanSimpleP3

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